
New Approaches in Respiratory Care
Moderators: Assoc. prof. Martin Rozanek, Ph.D. and Petr Kudrna, Ph.D
About workshop:
Despite a long term research in mechanical ventilation there is a still lot to improve. Technological advances in design of ventilators, development of new ventilatory techniques as well as monitoring of ventilation parameters or monitoring of patient biosignals contribute to an improved safety of the patients. The workshop deals with novel methods and approaches that could be used in the clinical practice to minimize the adverse effects of mechanical ventilation and also to increase a patient benefit from mechanical ventilation.
Workshop will be focused on measurement of biosignals in mechanical ventilation, modeling and simulation in respiratory care, controlling of ventilator parameters according to the end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration or saturation of blood by oxygen etc. Some of the topics are NIRS (near infrared spectroscopy) and EIT (electrical impedance tomography).
- Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Technology

New advances in motor-recovery neurotechnology by means of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Functional Electrical Stimulation and Exoskeletons to support the upper limb rehabilitation in stroke patients
Moderators: Prof. Marian POBORONIUC, Ph.D. and Dănut IRIMIA, Ph.D.
About workshop:
The latest researches in stroke patient’s rehabilitation techniques argue that repeated movement of the affected upper limb offer the chance to regain its usefulness. Assisting robotics allows patients to perform repeated movements. Such movements can stimulate the brain to regain the upper limb control and the phenomenon has been termed as neuroplasticity.
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) can be used to artificially induce the muscle contraction of innervated muscles, and in combination with upper limb exoskeletons and glove may contribute to a better rehabilitation process of the stroke patient’s upper limbs. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) has the potential to restore the body motor functions and it has been recommended as interventional procedure in many countries (i.e. NICE-IPG278, UK). Assisting robotics allows patients to perform repeated movements in a well-controlled manner, while the FES-based activation of the muscles helps the brain to relearn the day life movements.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a new technology with a potential to restore, substitute, or augment lost motor behaviors in patients with neurological injuries. Just imagine that a patient may control a neuroprosthesis by his/her own thoughts.
The workshop deals with new proposed systems (EXOSLIM, IHRG) consisting in a mechanical structure of exoskeleton type, anthropometrically dimensioned, aiming to ensure the basic anatomical movements in stroke patient’s upper limb and hand, as well as muscle control by means of functional electrical stimulation (FES). Instead of using the traditional surface electrodes some electroconductive yarns which can be easily and effectively integrated into textile structures may provide the electrical stimulation over the muscles (patent request no. A/00673/21.09.2015). Motor Imagery based BCIs can induce neural plasticity and thus serve as an important tool to enhance motor rehabilitation for stroke patients. A new system that integrates BCI and FES techniques aiming to improve motor rehabilitation for stroke patients will be presented too, as well as wireless BCI systems.
The present research is supported by PCCA 180/2012, PCCA 150/2012 and PCCA 267/2014 grants of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), as well as international cooperation with the Austrian GTEC company.
- “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Iasi, Romania

Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
Moderators: Ciprian-Marius LARCO and Radu-Călin PAHONIE
About workshop:
The goal of the workshop is to establish a collaborative interdisciplinary research environment, by using the appropriate set of mechanical, aerospace and bio-sciences engineering knowledge in addressing problems in broad areas. Gathering specialists from all these fields of interest will result in future innovative research and cross-border studies with real impact on everyday life.
The current technological challenges of the space industry, as well as the international ESA program, bring the need for innovative research programs, requiring highly qualified experts and a broad interdisciplinary vision. The development of these technologies is possible only through intense collaboration between the technological sectors corresponding to the exact and biomedical sciences, with a broad view into new fundamental research problems that arise with every little discovery made in the aerospace field. We align with the current global trend of bringing valuable contributions, through research towards sustaining and improving life in space.
- Larco Ciprian-Marius
Lecturer/ Director of Integrated Aviation Systems and Mechanics Department
Faculty of Aircraft and Military Vehicles
Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”
- Pahonie Radu-Călin
Researcher of the Integrated Aviation Systems and Mechanics Department
Faculty of Aircraft and Military Vehicles
Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”

Assistive technologies for people with disabilities
Moderators: Prof. R. BOZOMITU, PhD, and Assoc. Prof. C. ROTARIU, PhD
About workshop:
Nowadays assistive technology includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative products and services that are used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with many types of disabilities, from cognitive problems to physical impairments.
Assistive technology promotes greater independence by enabling people with disabilities to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing devices, or changing methods of interacting with the technology needed to accomplish such tasks.
In this context the aim of the session is to present and discuss the advances in the research and development of assistive devices and to offer opportunities to the researchers, scientists, and engineers to change ideas, to share knowledge and experience in the field of assistive technology.
The session welcomes papers addressing the following areas (but not limited): Augmentative and alternative communication, Assistive technology for visual impairment, Personal emergency response systems, Mobility impairment and wheelchairs, Assistive technology in sport, Assistive technology in education.
In the workshop will be presented several custom developed medical devices for assisting the communication with disabled patients and telemonitoring of their physiological parameters, as parts of a new complex electronic system. The medical assistive devices are used for bidirectional communication with medical personnel and also for human-computer interaction by using eye tracking technologies. The telemonitoring function is based on wearable wireless sensor network, organized on the Internet of Thing concept, used for acquiring different physiological parameters of the patients, according to their needs. All medical devices and remote monitoring sensors are wirelessly connected to Smartphones using Android applications for communication with patients and real-time monitoring of their physiological parameters.
- Gh. Asachi Technical University, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Iasi, Romania
- Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Iasi, Romania

Medicine and Informatics
Prof. Marcel COSTULEANU, MD, PhD
Prof. Ioana ALEXA, MD, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Georgeta ZEGAN, MD, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Mihaela MOSCALU, PhD
Lecturer Adina Carmen ILIE, MD, PhD
About workshop:
Medical informatics deals with the use of IT&C technologies in health care and represents the interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption and application of IT-based innovations in health care services delivery, management and planning.
This multidisciplinary field utilizes health information technology to improve health care through a mix of higher quality, higher efficiency (stimulating lower cost and consequently wider availability). Its resources, devices, and methods are involved in optimizing the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine.
Health informatics tools consist mainly in computers, formal medical terminologies, clinical guidelines, and information and communication systems.
Clinical care, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, (bio)medical research, and alternative medicine are the main fields of application.
- Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Iasi, Romania