"Improving Quality of Life through Research and Innovation"
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Each participant may submit up to 2 papers as first author.
The proceedings of EHB 2013 will be indexed in IEEE Xplore®, ISI-Proceedings, SCOPUS and INSPEC data bases.
The review process requires full paper submission. All submissions will be written in English (USA), with a maximum paper length of 4 pages for regular papers and 6 pages for invited papers. Yet, if authors want to write their paper with 6 pages in length, they have to pay an extra fee of 100 euros. The standard IEEE manuscript template for conference proceedings must be used.
A first camera ready manuscript describing work not previously published have to be electronically submitted in PDF file (maximum 2 MB) through the conference website, www.ehbconference.ro/openconf , till 15-th of October, 2013.
Please do not forget: At least one author per paper needs to be registered for the conference in order to have the paper included in the proceedings indexed in IEEE Xplore®, ISI-Proceedings, SCOPUS and INSPEC data bases.
The camera ready manuscript in A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm) should have 4 pages in length and invited papers may have 4 or 6 pages (PDF file format only, maximum 2 MB), and must conform to IEEE double column format. Submissions exceeding 6 pages will be rejected. Do NOT insert any headers, footers, or page numbers, and do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file. Templates for papers are available below in DOC format, without and with authors’ names, respectively. Violations of the paper template or the paper length (4 pages) will not be accepted.
Submit a paper at www.ehbconference.ro/openconf without author’s name and affiliation, for the double blind reviewing purpose.
All accepted authors will upload their final camera ready papers on the same page of Openconf site as for their first submission, in PDF format, as follows:
1) add the EHB header AND the IEEE copyright notice on the first page of the paper, as shown on camera-ready template below; Download EHB2013 final template with header and copyright notice
2) check the compatibility of your papers with IEEE Xplore database, by using the site www.pdf-express.org. The conference ID is 32022x . You may introduce your Word (.doc) file (this is better) or your PDF format file.The result of this checking will be a PDF file as shown below, that complies with Xplore database. As a distinctive sign, it has in "Attachments" field a logo and the word "IEEE.joboptions". Sample of pdf file with header, copyright notice and checked with PDF Express.
3) the .pdf file will be UPLOAD on EHB-OpenConf site.
All authors must pay the non-refundable registration fee by November 10-th, 2013.
We remember you that by default the paper presentation at EHB 2013 is oral, and those authors who want a poster presentation have to specify this option in "Comments" field of "Edit Submission" webpage on OpenConf. Please don't forget to send us the IEEE Copyright Form and the EHB Statement of Originality (mandatory for including your papers in Xplore database).
Also, if unexpected events prevent author's coming in Iasi, please send us an email on ehb2013@ehbconference.ro For accommodation please consult the page Venue > Accommodation or send an email at accommodation@ehbconference.ro
3) the .pdf file will be UPLOAD on EHB-OpenConf site www.ehbconference.ro/openconf