Svetlana Cojocaru, Dr. in Habilitation in Computer Science, is the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Academy of Sciences of Moldova. She has been a visiting researcher at Stockholm University, Lund University, University of Leeds etc. Svetlana Cojocaru is author of more than 160 scientific papers and 3 books. Area of expertise: Formal and natural languages processing, computer algebra, intelligent interfaces.
Jacques Desbrières (jacques.desbrières@univ-pau.fr) is professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), engineer from the National School of Chemistry in Paris (France) and Doctor-Engineer from university of Grenoble I (France). He is author or co-author of 150 papers, 21 book chapters, 120 oral communications and 10 patents. After beginning as research engineer dedicated to the application of polymers towards oil well operations with Dowell Schlumberger, he was appointed at University of Grenoble in 1990 and then in Pau in 2004. His research domains are interested in the chemistry and physico-chemistry of natural polymers, especially the relationships between the chemical structure (from their controlled chemical modification), their specific functional properties and their applications. Fields of interest developed nowadays are in biomedical, cosmetic and food applications of polysaccharide-based materials and "green chemistry" involving microwave assisted chemical modification of polysaccharides.
Sever Viorel Paşca (M’02) was born in Baia Mare, Romania, on November 27, 1955. He received the Engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and telecommunication from the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest (PUB), Bucharest, Romania, in 1980 and 1994, respectively. In 1982, he joined the Department of Medical Electronics and Informatics, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, PUB, where he was an Assistant Professor, became an Associate Professor in 1997, and a Professor in 2004. He is currently a Professor and the Head of the Department of Applied Electronics and Information Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, PUB. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, and more than 25 books in the field of medical electronics and informatics. His current research interests include medical imaging, electrical stimulation, virtual instrumentation, data acquisition, ambiental intelligence, and embedded systems. Prof. Paşca is Vice-Chair of the IEEE EMBS Romanian Chapter.
Dr. Octavian Adrian Postolache graduated in Electrical Engineering at the Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in 1992. He received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gh. Asachi Technical University in 1999. During 1992-2000 he worked as an Assistant Professor and Senior Lecturer at Department of Electrical Measurements and Electrical Materials, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gh. Asachi Technical University. In 2000 he received post-doctoral researcher fellowship from Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Since 2000 he works as a researcher at Technical University of Lisbon/ IST and Institute of Telecommunication of Lisbon. He is Principal Researcher at Institute of Telecommunication, since 2005. He joined as Assistant Professor at Superior School of Technology/EST-IPS from Setubal since 2001 and from January 2012, as Senior Lecturer in School of Architecture and Information Technology/ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon. His fields of interests are smart sensors for biomedical and environmental measurement systems, virtual measurement systems, data sensor fusion, instrumentation networks, signal processing of biomedical data for health status and instrumental activity estimation, non-destructive testing and diagnosis based on eddy currents, computational intelligence with application in automated measurement systems. He is currently leader of project regarding the implementation of Electronic Health Records for Physiotherapy (HER-Physio). He worked as a board member of Institute of Telecommunications – Portuguese Telecommunication Agency for Innovation (PT Inovação) - Home TeleCare project; and Institute of Telecommunications and National Communication Agency (ANACOM) - Integrated Spectrum Monitoring project. He was also involved in the project related to development of novel sensors for adequate anesthesia assessment, working in collaboration with Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC) and Hospital Geral de Santo António, SA (HGSA) from Porto, Portugal. He collaborated also in several researches at Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty of the University of Lisbon. Dr. Postolache is author and co-author of 10 patents, 4 books, 12 book chapters, 55 papers in international journals with peer review, more than 190 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He is IEEE Senior Member I&M Society, Technical Adviser of IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter, member of International Measurement Confederation. He was member of IMEKO World Congress Organizing Commitee, 2009. He was co-chair of Sensornets 2012, Rome, Italy and chair of Pervasive HealthCare Workshop, 2012, USA, SanDiego. He is member of steering commitee of Medical Measurement and Application Simposium. He is regular member of Technical Comittee of IEEE IMTC, IEEE MeMeA, IEEE IDAACS and IEEE ICST. He is active member of IEEE IMS TC-25 Subcommittee on Objective Blood Pressure Measurement Standard.
Professor Constantin VERTAN holds an image processing and analysis tenure at the Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory (LAPI) from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. He was an invited professor at INSA de Rouen and University of Poitiers (France). For his contributions in image processing he was awarded with UPB’s „In tempore opportuno“ award (2002), CNCSIS’s „In hoc signovinces“ award (2004) and was promoted as IEEE Senior Member (2008). His research interests are general image processing and analysis, content-based image retrieval, fuzzy and medical image processing applications. He is the secretary of the Romanian IEEE Signal Processing Chapter.